Monday, 10 November 2014

Rating 15 age

Any of the following are allowed in 15 rated film:
·                         strong violence
·                         frequent strong language 

·                         portrayals of sexual activity
·                         strong verbal references to sex
·                         sexual nudity
·                         brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
·                         discriminatory language or behaviour 
·                         drug taking
Even though a rated film can show a lot stronger material that can be viewed in a rated 12 film, it still has its slight limitations before reaching an 18 rated film. Strong language potentially has no limit; however some of the cruder words have to be used in limitation that also includes discriminatory language, as it isn’t meant to endorse this type of language. Strong violence is also accepted, however using gory images and scenes would most likely not be accepted. They may only be verbal references towards sexual violence, but it should be kept at an extreme minimum for it to maintain the age certificate. Sexual activity can be portrayed, but normally without strong detail, and long scenes of this can be shown, however cruder scenes will also be unlikely to be accepted. Drug taking is permitted to be shown, but it must not be encouraged as a whole. And strong threat and horror is also permitted, but also has limitations. 

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